ijaz saeed Ijaz Saeed

Ijaz Saeed

Solution Architect - Web Developer - Cloud Expert




  • Open Source Contributor
  • eCommerce based solutions Expert
  • ASP.Net c#/ ASP.Net Core / Blazor
  • ASP.Net Web API/ WCF / Web Services
  • Angular/ Angular.js/ Typescript
  • SOLID design principles
  • Visual Studio TFS/ git/ GitHub
  • data security with Cryptography
  • agile software development with SCRUM
  • SQL Server/ ORACLE
  • elastic search/ Algolia search/ Endeca search
  • CI/CD with jenkins


Freelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.

You can create your own custom avatar for the masthead, change the icon in the dividers, and add your email address to the contact form to make it fully functional!

Contact Me

Ijaz Saeed
59 Babar street.
islampurah, Lahore, 54000
Web Developer